Landfill & Landfill Hours
Three Rivers Solid Waste Authority Regional Landfill
Three Rivers Solid Waste Authority Regional Landfill opened on July 1, 1998 for the disposal of municipal solid waste, commercial waste and industrial waste from our nine member counties and DOE-SR. The 1400 acre landfill complex is located off of Highway 125 on the Department of Energy’s Savannah River Site. The landfill has a 280 acre footprint with remaining airspace of nearly 38 million cubic yards of waste over a projected remaining lifespan of approximately 120 years.
The landfill receives about 1,200 tons of waste per day or about 330,000 tons per year. Around 250,000 tons come directly from our member counties.
The landfill is regulated under the Federal Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) Subtitle D and applicable South Carolina regulations and is sited and constructed in accordance with these regulations. Click here to view our permit. The landfill provides for six layers of environmental protection: 1) environmental regulations that require waste screening by generators; 2) waste screening at the transfer stations; 3) waste screening at the landfill; 4) protection of groundwater by leachate (wastewater) collection and liner systems; 5) protection of air quality by landfill gas collection and control systems; and 6) protection of groundwater through a site selection process that requires location above an aquifer with an upward hydraulic gradient.
Liner and Final Cap Construction

Waste Generation & Disposal

Three Rivers Regional Landfill
Operations & Delivery Information
SCALE HOUSE (803) 827-2808
ADMINISTRATION (803) 652-2225
Aiken (803) 642-1533
Allendale (803) 584-3438
Bamberg (803) 245-3023
Barnwell (803) 541-1109
Calhoun & Orangeburg (803) 536-5045
Edgefield, McCormick, Saluda (Tri-County ) (803) 275-5345
Three Rivers Solid Waste Authority
Post Office Box 569
Jackson SC 29831
Phone (803) 652-2225
Fax (803) 295-4772
The Landfill is CLOSED to the GENERAL PUBLIC.
Operating hours for Member Counties and Approved Commercial Haulers are as follows:
Mon. – Fri.: 6:30 AM – 4:30 PM
Saturday: 7:00 AM – NOON
Sunday: CLOSED
The Landfill is closed on the following holidays:
New Year’s Day
Memorial Day
July 4th
Labor Day
Thanksgiving Day
Christmas Eve (closes at Noon)
Christmas Day