Gas Pipeline Public Awareness Program

Our goal is to provide safe, reliable landfill gas service to Kimberly Clark and ensure the safety of people living and/or working near our gas pipeline. The pipeline originates at TRSWA landfill and runs northwest ending at the Kimberly Clark Beech Island Plant.

Understanding Pipelines
A network of 2 million miles of gas pipelines exists in the United States. These pipelines quietly, reliably, and efficiently deliver gas throughout the country for domestic and industrial use. Gas pipelines are among the safest methods of transporting energy. TRSWA operates an underground landfill gas pipeline that serves Kimberly Clark for manufacturing use. More information, including location, can be obtained from the National Pipeline Mapping System’s website,, or by contacting TRSWA.

We ask you to review this information, share it with others and we hope that you:

  • Understand the purpose of the pipeline
  • Understand the potential pipeline hazards and preventive measures for safe pipeline operations
  • Know how to work around pipelines
  • Are able to identify pipelines
  • Are able to recognize a landfill gas leak
  • Understand steps to take in case of an emergency

Preventative Measures
TRSWA performs the following preventative efforts to maintain pipeline safety:

  • Inspect mains during excavation
  • Monitors and patrols pipeline surface conditions for hazards to the pipeline
  • Inspects below ground emergency valves regularly
  • Uses leak detection equipment to detect whether a leak exists on the pipeline
  • Regularly inspects and maintains equipment

How To Recognize A Pipeline Leak

  • Fire or explosion near a pipeline
  • Smell for an unusual odor
  • Listen for hissing or roaring sound
  • Discoloration of vegetation in close proximity to pipeline
  • Unusual blowing of dirt or dust
  • Persistent bubbles in water

IF YOU SUSPECT A LEAK, CALL 1-855-418-7010

What Is A Pipeline Emergency?
A pipeline emergency is any of the following:

  • Fire or explosion near or directly involving a pipeline or pipeline facility
  • A leaking pipeline
  • A damaged or weakened pipeline
  • A natural disaster affecting the pipeline such as an earthquake, flood, or soil erosion

In Case Of A Pipeline Emergency?
Procedures to follow during a pipeline emergency are:

  • Immediately walk away
  • Warn others to stay away or leave the area
  • Do not expose the area to open flames, cell phones, pagers, motor vehicles, or any other item that may ignite the gas
  • From a safe location contact TRSWA at 1-855-418-7010


Integrity Management
TRSWA maintains an Integrity Management Program to ensure the practices used to operate the pipeline are effective and up to date. By implementing this program, TRSWA has determined the High Consequence Areas (HCAs) along its transmission line where pipeline releases could have greater consequences to health and safety of those living or working near the pipeline, as well as to the environment. These locations are constantly monitored and patrolled by TRSWA to ensure they are safe. More information about pipelines, safety, and the regulations that we follow to ensure our system is safe can be found Our most important responsibility is your safety, and we take that job very seriously! Don’t hesitate to give us a call at 1-855-418-7010 if you have any questions.

Working Together For Safety
If you plan any type of excavation, construction work, or any type of digging near a pipeline,


  • Contact the “One-Call Center”. SC811 handles the One-Call services for South Carolina. To contact SC811, call 811 or 1-888-721-7877. You may also visit the SC811 website at You must provide 3 full working days’ notice (not including the day of the call), excluding weekends and holidays, prior to digging.
  • Respect pipeline marker placement.

TRSWA operates the gas pipeline in compliance with State and Federal regulations. TRSWA
maintains an Integrity Management Program (IMP) to ensure that the practices used to operate the pipeline are effective and up to date. An IMP is defined by the American Petroleum Institute (API) as a systematic and comprehensive process designed to provide information to effectively allocate resources for the appropriate prevention, detection, and mitigation activities as referenced in the rules under 49 CFR Parts 192 or 195.

Information about TRSWA’s IMP concerning the landfill gas transmission pipeline is available upon request.